Let's Start
Step1: Open Visual Basic 6.0
Step2: Choose "Standard Exe" and click Open
Step3: Choose Command Button from ToolBar. And then click on your form.

Step8: Click on the command button. You should see a message box..!!
Step1: Open Visual Basic 6.0
Step2: Choose "Standard Exe" and click Open
Step3: Choose Command Button from ToolBar. And then click on your form.
Step 4: Double Click on Command Button
Step5: You see the code window which have already some code written in it.
This code is automatically written by the vb when you double click on the Command Button.
Step6: Now write this:
MsgBox "Hello World!"
Your code look like this:
Private Sub Command1_Click()
MsgBox "Hello World"
End Sub
Step7: Click on the start button [play icon] to run your first project.
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